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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Apple-Cheddar & Turkey Meatballs

This recipe comes from crockpot365. I baked the meatballs instead of using the crockpot because they seemed a little mushy and I wasn't sure how they would cook up and not form one huge ball of meat.

The Ingredients
--1 1/2 pound extra lean ground turkey
--1 egg
-- 1/2 cup whole wheat bread crumbs
--1 tsp kosher salt
--1 tsp ground black pepper
--1 tsp onion powder
--1 green apple, peeled and shredded
--1/2 cup shredded sharp cheddar
--1/2 cup dried unsweetened cranberries

The Directions.

In a large mixing bowl, mix the ground turkey with the ingredients. I used my hands.

Make golf-ball sized meatballs, and drop them onto a foil lined baking sheet. Bake on 375 for about 30 minutes - or until the internal temp reaches 170.

I served mine with rice and glazed carrots and we gobbled them up!

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